Custom Drag&Drops If you find yourself making the same changes over and over, use the Create Drag&Drop… command in the Info Extras menu (after setting the changes) to create a small application which will automatically perform those changes whenever anything is dropped on it. Any change (except attached comments) made in the Get Info dialog will be recorded and duplicated by the drag&drop, even adding a custom icon. To fool File Buddy into thinking a setting has been changed when it hasn’t been, Option-click the setting. If you forget what changes a drag&drop makes, just double-click on him and he'll tell you. The drag&drops File Buddy creates require that you have File Buddy on your computer, and will prompt you to register if you haven't already, just like File Buddy will. They display the icon above in the finder. It should show up automatically, but if the first one you create looks generic or it won't accept files, then a desktop rebuild should fix you up. Drag&drops are not editable.